How to Find a Tree Removal Service in Long Beach
When it comes to trees in Long Beach, the City requires homeowners to maintain the street trees on their property, as well as the private trees on their property. The City will remove public trees that are deemed hazardous, but private trees are the responsibility of the homeowner. If your neighbor has a tree that needs to be removed, you will be responsible for the cost, even if it’s dead or in poor condition. You can avoid this expense by hiring a professional tree service to do the job for you.
Affordable Tree Removal in Long Beach
If your tree is close to power lines, you may need a business directory tree removal near me to safely remove it. In general, trees near power lines need to be trimmed regularly by a certified arborist. However, if you plan to cut down a tree near a power line yourself, you must contact SCE and get permission first. In these cases, the company offers a “make-safe” program, in which it will remove parts of the tree to make it safe for a certified tree service to remove it. If you’re unable to contact SCE, you should avoid the area around the power lines and call the SCE customer support number right away.
If your tree has fallen on a power line, it’s important to have it removed before it affects the power lines. Most Long Beach tree service companies will provide the service for free, but you can also save money by hiring someone to do it for you. While it’s best to contact a company that offers this option, you can also hire a company that offers stump grinding in Long Beach at an affordable price.