Spray Foam Insulators – Lower Your Utility Bills With Lx5 Insulators
If you’re looking to slash your energy costs, Lx5 Insulators can help. This insulation seals air leaks that are responsible for up to 40% of a home’s energy loss, reducing both heating and cooling expenses. Unlike traditional fiberglass and cellulose insulation, this product creates an impenetrable seal to limit air flow through walls, attics, and crawl spaces. It has a higher R-Value than other types of insulation and can increase your energy efficiency by up to 30%, making it one of the best options for lowering utility bills.
Spray Foam Insulation: Benefits for Your Home
In addition to its effectiveness at stopping air movement, spray foam insulation is also effective at blocking moisture. It is especially useful in areas like attics and crawl spaces where moisture problems often occur. This helps prevent the moisture from causing damage to your building’s structure, and reduces the amount of time your HVAC system needs to run to remove humidity in the summer and winter.
Closed- and open-cell spray foam insulation are both available in DIY kits that homeowners can install themselves. However, it is best to hire a professional contractor for larger projects that require consistent coverage and proper expansion. They can also help choose low GWP spray foam insulation that does not use hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) as the primary blowing agent. Some great choices for this type of insulation include BASF Walltite CM01 and Genyk Boreal Nature. These products both have a low GWP and significantly lower the environmental impact of traditional HFC insulation.
Lx5 Insulators
“13030 s 401st w ave Bristow ok 74010
(918) 853-6175